Gradient Folders

Because gradients rule, and your folder organization should too šŸ˜Ž

Gradients make your life better: fact. So here's a set of 38 handcrafted, artisan gradient folders + a bonus JavaScript folder for your computer system so you can live your best life.

Desktop with the folder icons

Folders with Icons

Icons help you remember and recognize folders without needing to read the name underneath. So far, we've got a few ready to go for you, with more on the way.

Download Icon Folder Set for Mac Download Icon Folder Set for Windows Icon Folder Set

Folders Without Icons

If you still want more gradients, but don't want the commitment of the icons on your folders, here are some blank folder icons for you, too!

Download Blank Folder Set for Mac Download Icon Folder Set for Windows Icon Folder Set



  1. Download the icon set you want above, or all of the Mac icons here.
  2. Unzip the icon set (this should make a folder. Icons are in .png format).
  3. Open the icon you want to set your folder to and copy it ctrl + c
  4. Right-click on the folder you want to customize and select "Get Info".
  5. Click on the icon to the left of the folder name in this view, and paste it ctrl + v
  6. That's it!

There's more information in this article.


  1. Download the icon set you want above, or all of the Windows icons here.
  2. Unzip the icon set (this should make a folder. Icons are in .ico format).
  3. Right-click on the folder you want to customize and select ā€œPropertiesā€.
  4. Under the ā€œcustomizeā€ tab, go to the ā€œFolder iconā€ section, click on ā€œChange iconā€ button.
  5. Select the icon you would like to replace it with.
  6. Save and you're done!

There's more information in this article.

Enjoy your new desktop setup!