SassConf 2014 Resource RoundUp
October 2, 2014
Keeping Your Sass Squeeky Clean with Adam Onishi (@onishiweb)
Building an Artful Web with Smith Schwartz (@smithschwartz)
Tab Atkins Keynote on the Future of CSS (@tabatkins)
Spreading the Sass Love with Una Kravets (@una)
Sassy Colors with Katie Kurkoski (@KatieK2)
Style as a Service: Maintaining Style Across Multiple Websites with Shay Howe (@shayhowe)
Future Tools: Beyond Live Style Guides with Adam Detrick (@akdetrick)
Thinking (Inside the Box)x3 with Mason Wendell (@codingdesigner)
Refactoring Workshop (@elyseholladay and @gina)
UI Regression Workshop (@klamping)
Optimising the Critical Rendering Path with Patrick Hamann (@patrickhamann)
Expanding Your Sass Arsenal with Anthony DiSpezio (@adispezio)
Around the Web
Unconference Sessions